Spiritual Life

Developing One's Spiritual Life with Christ

Bible: In addition to Bible being integrated into all areas of learning, JICS also includes a specific time for Bible teaching.  Bible is taught through Bible lessons, Biblical truths, and Bible verse memorization. Bible studies equip students to study the Bible for themselves and encourages them to apply Biblical principles to the world around them.

Chapel: Chapel services play a large part at JICS. Chapel is a time for our students in grades K5-9th to worship, fellowship, and deepen their relationship with Christ. Each Chapel includes singing praise songs together, a Bible lesson, and prayer time.  Chapel is every Tuesday for K-5th and every Wednesday for 6th-9th, and we welcome parents to come participate with their child during this time.

Community Service: Our students are given many opportunities throughout the year to serve their community.  Students are encouraged to gather donations, pray, and physically serve.  Some of the organizations we have supported are James Island Outreach, Florence Crittenden House, Sunshine House, and Operation Christmas Child.