JICS Stories


What has been your most memorable experience at JICS?

I love the athletic experiences that my children have had the opportunity to participate in at JICS. From Jr. Lions for my youngest to swim, basketball, soccer and track for my older children...observing the lessons they have learned on the field, the court and in the pool from other teammates and coaches has been invaluable. At JICS, every single team member is valued and given a chance to learn, develop and play. Watching the athletes encourage one another and cheer each other on while demonstrating school spirit and a Christlike attitude is something I believe that sets JICS apart from the rest. 

In what way(s) has JICS impacted your family? Can you provide an example.

The impact that JICS has had on our family has been immeasurable. Each day I drop my children off with the confidence that they are loved, cared for as individuals, valued and most importantly prayed for by their teachers, administrators and coaches. I have observed on countless occasions the teachers at JICS coming alongside my children and sincerely taking a true interest in their character and spiritual development while also encouraging them to do their best academically. More than one of my children have met after school with their teachers for extra one-on-one help because the teachers sincerely care about the students and want to do all they can to help them succeed even if that means sacrificing their own personal time. And the results of those extra help sessions have been evident not only in their schoolwork, but also in their confidence and work ethic. 

Do you see evidence of any of JICS 4 core values in the lives of your children? (Core values: Christ-Centered, Biblically Based, Academic Excellence, Service-Driven)

I have witnessed first hand the core value of a Biblically Based education in the lives of my children as a result of being at JICS. They come home truly excited to share about the Bible stories and Biblical principles that their teachers share with them each day. The teachers make the Bible come to life in their teachings instead of making it just another subject the students are required to learn. My kids often recite details about Bible stories that amaze me. My older kids share about in-depth discussions that they have in their classrooms regarding what the Bible says on worldly topics and basic Christian values that go above and beyond a standard Bible lesson. I love that Biblical principles are integrated throughout the entire school day - not just in Bible class. Across the curriculum, it is evident that JICS's core value of a Biblically Based education is not just a PART of what they do - it encompasses everything the students learn. At the end of the day, our top priority for our children isn't that they are the smartest in the class, but that they graduate with a love and knowledge of Christ that will spur them on to impact the world for His kingdom. And we believe, along with the foundation we set at home, that JICS is helping to establish that love and knowledge in our children through their Biblically based education. For that, we are eternally thankful. 

"The impact that JICS has had on our family has been immeasurable"